Member-only story
Good Enough
Or Not?
Too often in our culture, we are made to believe that we are not enough. Not thin enough, not smart enough, not rich enough… just not enough. We go through our lives always trying to BE more. Be cuter, be more popular, be special. What a mess that is. Just by being alive, you are enough. I am enough. We ARE good enough.
I mean enough for what? Who gets to decide the benchmark on cute, rich, popular, smart, etc.? The mean kid in your homeroom in High School? The bully at the water cooler at your job? Truly it can’t be a kind and loving person, or there would never be the risk of not being enough because surely within us, we are already “enough.”
Why are we always looking for something better? The beautiful things in front of me are more often than not “enough.” My car gets me from one place to another, is it not good enough? My computer works and allows me to earn a living, is it not good enough? We seek the next best thing before we’ve even had the chance to enjoy the things in front of us that are good enough.
The people you love are enough to fill your life with joy. Why do we ask them to be more? Why don’t we accept them where they are at? Do we accept ourselves where we are at? Why not?
There is a lot of life that happens while we’re running after more. What moments of stillness are we missing? What quiet…