Member-only story
A Cuenca Evening
Enjoying a spring night of solo travel
I walk down the street, cute cotton skirt flipping up a bit in the wind. The breeze feels good on my legs, exposed to the elements for the first time in months, it makes me feel happy to be alive! As I walk down the avenue, the old colonial building lining the streets seem to be even even brighter shades of pastel than usual. It’s probably the fresh air and the fact that my face is upturned to the sun! The brightness is burning the old winter blues away from my mind.
Ahead of me is the flower market. A weekly ritual I am happy to return to, now that it’s warm again. The bright floral colors splashing down the block, each booth covered in roses, hibiscus, and other flowers I don’t know the names of, falling over in their pots, reaching their tendrils out to me, hoping to become the centerpiece on my table. I pick two different pink flowers, and even though I ask the Señora their name, I immediately forget, but it doesn’t matter. I hand her my 4$ and wish her Buenas Noches, we both smile enjoying this lovely spring evening.
After the flower market, I wander along the park paths. The old men are back, adorned in sweaters and bowler hats, they sit with newspapers at their side, a convenient excuse sit on benches in the sun, gossip, and enjoy the passersby. Old Alberto is back after the winter cold and…